(404) 843-9661
Legal Notice & Privacy Policy
Legal Notice
RL&A makes no representation as to the availability, accuracy, or completeness of the website's contents. RL&A cannot be liable for any damages or injury resulting from visitors' ability/inability to access this website or from dependence on any of this website's content.
This website contains information about services that are only available to clients in the United States and may or may not be applicable in every state. Information about various legal practices and methods used for specific client needs. This information is not a substitute for the advice of a legal professional.
This website provides links to other websites not affiliated with RL&A, and is not responsible for the content of these linked websites and cannot be liable for any injury or damages from visitors' ability/inability to access these linked websites, or chooses implement practices without seeking professional advice.
Privacy Policy
RL&A collects visitors' voluntarily provided personal data through the "Contact Us" page of this website. This includes all of the displayed information fields. (Visitor name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) Personal information is transmitted using our SSL secure server with 128-bit encryption for added protection. RL&A is not responsible for technical problems that may occur resulting in others viewing your information. The collected information may be used to contact you via phone, fax, e-mail, or regular mail to provide you with information that we believe may be of interest to you. Collected information will never be sold or transferred to other parties outside of RL&A. All non-personal information (questions, comments, ideas, suggestions and other feedback) is regarded as non-confidential. By sending a message to RL&A visitors acknowledge and understand that all non-personal information is considered non-confidential. RL&A is free to disseminate by any means and use for any purpose this non-confidential information without restrictions and without any obligation to the visitor. Visitors may have access to their personal data to add, revise or delete information at any time by contacting RL&A.
Visitors should never utilize RL&A's website or contact information to send RL&A proprietary or confidential information.
If visitors do not wish to be contacted by RL&A or have questions regarding the website and/or RL&A 's privacy policy, contact us at 404-843-9661.